Mąka pszenna typ 750 pozyskiwana jest z bieszczadzkich gospodarstw rolnych, które posiadają certyfikat ekologiczny. Jest to jeden z najbardziej popularnych rodzajów mąki, który otrzymuje się ze zmielonego ziarna pszenicy.Mąka pszenna, dzięki zawartości białka (glutenu), nadaje wypiekom sprężystości i sprawia, że mniej się kruszą. <strong>Skład:</strong> pszenica <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 1450kJ/342kcal - 17% RWS*Tłuszcz 1,8g - 2,6%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 0,7g - 3,5%Węglowodany 68g - 26%w tym cukry 0,5g - 0,6%Błonnik 2,9gBiałko 12g - 24%Sól 0,01g - 0,2%*Referencyjna Wartość Spożywcza <strong>Stosowanie</strong>Mąka pszenna typ 750 doskonale nadaje się do pieczenia chleba oraz wszystkich słonych i słodkich wypieków. Idealna do naleśników, gofrów lub jako zagęstnik zup i sosów. <strong>Uwagi</strong>Przechowywać w suchym i chłodnym miejscu w szczelnie zamkniętym opakowaniu.
Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind eine ausgezeichnete Wahl für alle, die nach einer nahrhaften und schmackhaften Zutat suchen. Sie sind reich an Kollagen und anderen Nährstoffen, die für eine gesunde Ernährung unerlässlich sind. Unsere Produkte werden unter strengen Hygienebedingungen verarbeitet, um höchste Qualität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
Unsere gefrorenen Schweinevorderfüße sind ideal für die Zubereitung von Suppen und Eintöpfen, die reich an Geschmack und Nährstoffen sind. Sie sind in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Vertrauen Sie auf die Qualität unserer Produkte, um Ihre Gerichte zu bereichern.
Garlic oil is a versatile essential oil that brings the rich and aromatic flavor of garlic to your kitchen. This oil is a convenient alternative to fresh garlic, offering the same robust taste without the hassle of peeling and chopping. Garlic oil can be used in a variety of dishes, from drizzling over meats and salads to enhancing the flavor of sauces and marinades. Its versatility extends beyond the kitchen, as garlic oil is also known for its health benefits.
In addition to its culinary uses, garlic oil is a natural remedy for various skin issues, including athlete's foot and ringworm. It can also be used to treat ear infections and the common cold. A few drops of garlic oil can be added to tea for easy ingestion, providing a convenient way to enjoy its health benefits. To preserve the quality of garlic oil, store it in a cool, dark place or refrigerate it to maintain its optimal levels. This ensures that its flavor and health benefits remain intact, making it a valuable addition to your pantry.
Le gocce orali rappresentano una forma farmaceutica versatile e altamente assorbibile, ideale per chi cerca un dosaggio personalizzabile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti. Questa tipologia di integratori è particolarmente adatta per chi ha difficoltà a deglutire le pillole, offrendo un'alternativa pratica e efficace. Le gocce sono prodotte in flaconi di diverse dimensioni, tra 5 e 30 ml, in materiale PET o vetro, garantendo una scelta flessibile del packaging. La produzione richiede un tempo di consegna di otto settimane, assicurando una disponibilità costante per i rivenditori.
Le materie prime utilizzate includono estratti vegetali fluidi, fermenti lattici, lattoferrina e colostro, insieme a una varietà di aromi naturali e artificiali. Questo mix di ingredienti assicura che le gocce siano non solo efficaci, ma anche piacevoli da consumare. Gli integratori in forma di gocce sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto che offra un dosaggio flessibile e un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti.
El pimentón / paprika a granel de Lord Spices Group es un ingrediente esencial para cualquier cocina que busque añadir un sabor ahumado y vibrante a sus platos. Con más de 100 años de experiencia, ofrecemos pimentón de la más alta calidad, disponible en varias presentaciones como ahumado, dulce, entero, hoja, molido, picante y troceado. Nuestro pimentón no contiene OMG y proviene de España, China y Perú, asegurando su frescura y sabor auténtico. Es ideal para su uso en guisos, salsas y una variedad de platos gourmet, proporcionando a los chefs y empresas alimentarias un ingrediente confiable y de alta calidad.
Material: KRAFT-Braunkarton
Form: Becher
Beschreibung: Ideal für den sicheren Genuss heißer Getränke, ohne sich die Finger zu verbrennen. Hitzebeständig bis über 180 Grad Celsius. Beeinflusst nicht den Geschmack Ihrer Getränke, geruchsneutral, FSC-zertifiziert.
Verwendung: Perfekt für Kaffee und heiße Getränke
Verfügbare Größen: 2,5 Oz, 4 Oz, 6,5 Oz, 7 Oz, 8 Oz, 9 Oz, 12 Oz, 14 Oz, 16 Oz, 18 Oz, 22 Oz und 32 Oz.
Deckel: Umweltfreundlicher Kartondeckel. Klappbar und luftdicht. Die kleine Klappe am Deckel schützt Ihre Lippen vor Verbrennungen. Separat erhältlich.
Herkunft: Türkei
Preisanfragen: Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für alle Preisanfragen: http://atlasforexport.com/paper-cup/
Scopri la MENABREA Birra ambrata La 150 VAP 33 cl. Gusta la sua ricetta originale dal 1846, con la sua delicata schiuma e il suo gusto unico. Grazie ai suoi 24 bottiglie, puoi condividere questa birra premium con amici e familiari. Goditi la tradizione italiana in ogni sorso.
Our dry nuts and dry fruits packaging is expertly designed to preserve the freshness, flavor, and nutritional value of your products. Made from high-quality, food-safe materials, these packaging solutions protect against moisture, air, and external contaminants, ensuring the long shelf life of your dry foods. Available in a variety of formats such as resealable pouches, stand-up bags, and custom-printed designs, our packaging provides both convenience and visual appeal. With options for eco-friendly materials and customizable branding, our dry food packaging is the ideal choice for businesses looking to offer safe, sustainable, and attractive solutions for their products.
Psyllium Husk Fiber is a natural plant-based fiber derived from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It is rich in soluble fiber, particularly mucilage, which forms a gel-like substance when mixed with water. This gel helps to promote digestive health by softening stool and supporting regular bowel movements. Additionally, it may help to lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels.
EC number:200-061-5
Molecular Formula:C33H66O2
CAS No:8063-16-9
La maca è una pianta originaria delle Ande del Perù, scientificamente conosciuta come Lepidium meyenii. È ampiamente coltivata per le sue radici commestibili, che sono utilizzate sia come alimento che come integratore. La maca è spesso promossa per i suoi presunti benefici per la salute, che includono l'aumento dell'energia. La maca è disponibile in diverse varietà, tra cui rossa, gialla e nera.
Buckwheat hulled & roasted (trigo sarraceno descascarillado y tostado), también conocido como kasha, se refiere a los granos de trigo sarraceno a los que se les ha quitado la cáscara exterior y luego se han tostado. El proceso de tostado le da a los granos un color más oscuro y un sabor distintivo, más profundo y ligeramente a nuez, que mejora sus cualidades culinarias.
Alcohol-based gel with quaternary ammonium compounds, free of dyes and perfumes, quick-drying, intended for hand hygiene. Product used in HACCP Plan.FEATURES
Alcohol-based skin sanitizer with high efficacy against transient microorganisms on the skin.
Product specifically formulated for hand sanitization in hospital and food facilities, among others. Contains emollient and humectant substances to maintain the skin's natural oils.
Product specifically formulated for hand hygiene in hospital and food facilities, among others.
It is strongly recommended to use the product in all cases where hands can be agents of transmission of pathogenic diseases.
Apply the pure product (1 to 3 ml) to the palms of your hands and rub for 30 seconds until completely dry. Do not rinse with water.
La farine T150, également appelée farine complète, est la farine qui conserve la quasi-totalité du grain de blé, y compris le son et le germe. Elle est la plus riche en fibres et en nutriments, avec une texture plus granuleuse et une couleur brunâtre distincte. Le « T150 » indique un taux de cendres élevé, ce qui signifie une teneur maximale en minéraux présents dans le blé entier. Son goût est robuste et intense, rappelant le caractère authentique des pains anciens.
Origine : Ukraine.
Conditionnement : sac en papier kraft de 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg. Palettisation : 750-950kg.
Produktinformationen "Sensitive Lamm pur"
Beckers Beste Lamm pur 200g
Feinstes Lamm pur, die besonders schmackhafte Fleischmahlzeit wird ausschließlich aus frischen, gesetzlich für die Lebensmittelproduktion zugelassenen Schlachtproduktion produziert, die auf schonende Weise und ohne künstliche Aroma-, Farb- und Konservierungsstoffe zu einer ausgewogenen, herzhaften und saftien Allein- bzw. Vollnahrung für alle ausgewchsenen und ernährungssensiblen Katzenrassen verarbeitet werden.
Feinstes Lamm pur versorgt Ihre Katze mit allen lebenswichtigen Aufbau- und Nährstoffen, die ein vitales und urgesundes Katzenleben benötigt.
70% Lamm , 29% Fleischbrühe vom Hirsch, 1%Mineralstoffe
Analytische Bestandteile:
Rohprotein 10,5%, Rohfett 6,8%, Rohfaser 0,4%, Rohasche 2,4%, Feuchtigkeit 80%
It is possible to foresee within the same
type of ration compositions with products
different foods, in order to offer a variability
suitable for use for several days.
Normally the food ration consists of food products
that can be stored at room temperature for a more
or less long time according to its composition.
Parnisari Arms is able to provide food rations
conform to the eating habits of different countries,
including those with Islamic religion foreseeing
Halal certified food products.
- ISO 9001
Cette mûre blanche est cultivée dans la région de Pamir, en Afghanistan. Le climat est très favorable à l’épanouissement des mûriers, d’où son goût unique.
Cette mûre blanche est ainsi la mûre la plus onctueuse et moelleuse parmi toutes les variétés de mûres existantes.
Elle a également un goût naturellement sucré. Elle ne contient ni conservateur, ni additif.
Riche en vitamines, ces mûres sont un puissant stimulant énergétique.
Vous pouvez ajouter ces mûres dans un bol de muesli ou les consommer en apéritif !
In the current strongly competitive food world, every product must be shown to its best advantage to win the attention of the end-consumer and end up in the shopping trolley. Apart from quality and functionality, appearance also plays a decisive role.
Edible coatings for meat, sausage and cheese products.
Dipping compounds have long been in use as edible coatings. But SkinDekor makes it possible to apply these coatings to a wide variety of products in a single work operation.
Our herb, paprika, garlic, pepper, cheese and fruity coatings are all appealing, both visually and in terms of flavour.
SkinDekor products are sliceable, quick-drying and can be used in machines.
This surface treatment has proved particularly successful for dry sausage, cheese and vegetables. An optimum immersion temperature is defined for each SkinDekor compound. By varying the immersion temperature within the specific range, the desired coating layer can be built up on the products.
High Purity Hydrolyzed Collagen
Collagen Type I
Collagen Type II
Collagen Type III
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane)
Rosa Canila L. Extract
Boswellia Serrata Extract
Harpagophytum Procumbens Extract
Eggshell Membrane
Vitamin D3
High Purity Hydrolyzed Collagen:200.0 mg
Collagen Type I:5.0 mg
Collagen Type II:30.0 mg
Collagen Type III:5.0 mg
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane):75.0 mg
Curcumine:75.0 mg
Rosa Canila L. Extract:150.0 mg
Boswellia Serrata Extract:75.0 mg
Harpagophytum Procumbens Extract:30.0 mg
Eggshell Membrane:50.0 mg
Magnesium:56.25 mg
Vitamin D3:400 IU
La collaborazione con noi può assumere forme diverse a seconda delle vostre esigenze. Intecker offre un servizio completo nel campo della manutenzione degli impianti e dell'assistenza alle macchine. Forniamo anche dipendenti qualificati per supportare le risorse interne dell'azienda. I nostri specialisti garantiranno servizi di alta qualità, e tempi di risposta brevi, e danno al cliente la certezza che tutto è sotto controllo.
"Camu Camu
Camu Camu is een kleine Amazone vrucht die het hoogste vitamine C-gehalte van alle planten ter wereld heeft. De struikachtige boom van 2 tot 8 meter hoog gedijt diep in het moeras en regenwoud van de Amazone. De naam Camu Camu is vermoedelijk afkomstig van het ""Camu"" geluid dat vissen maken als ze de drijvende vruchten van het wateroppervlak plukken. De vrucht wordt vanuit een kano met de hand geplukt. Na het plukken wordt de vrucht geschild, geperst en gedroogd. Het overgebleven verpulverde Camu fruit wordt dan geplaatst in een op maat o…"